Wednesday, September 5, 2018

I don't believe you're not getting this

So updates:
The job isn't bad.  I'm definitely not called to be a school nurse, but shit, considering I have absolutely no training for this and no concept of what it would entail, I ain't terrible.

The housemates are aight.  
Every day I realize there are good things to be seen in each of them.  

Mike fancies himself this alpha male, and he has no problem being the white knight in any given situation.  The problem with dudes who are white knights - if they knew what the world really needed they would choose to be something else.  He's a good guy, but the bro in him is sometimes a bit much.  

Rebecca.  She touches my head frequently.  If she feels like I'm down or some shit she will straight stroke the top of my head and I almost hit her in the tit every. single. time.  But she's trying to love the entire world.  An admirable aspiration, though grossly misguided.  Admirable all the same.

James!  I LOVE JAMES.  He's such a fucking sweetheart I can't tell you.  He reminds me so much of my best friend in high school, but way less of a gaping hole of selfishness.  For whatever reason, he doesn't think too much of himself.  He wants to though, and who can have a better want?  

Andrei.  Now we get to it.  I don't know what exactly to share about this person.  Stanley Kubrick said not to confuse pity with love, and I'm trying not to.  But this one is tricky.  The moment you think you're in the position to pity someone or dole out genuine consideration, you get fucked by the dick of the universe. Speak softly and carry a big stick and all that shit.  

That's all for now.


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