Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Motor City tea ... I sip that.

Detroit. Detroit. Detroit.

How to start?

Someone once told me his answer to that question: "You start at A."

A is for Anna (sp?).
Uh, let's not start there.  You were wrong, person who told me to start at A.  

We were trying to get to the Junction House as soon as humanly possible, it seemed like.
Mike's leg of the trip was like a racing video game.  I would've been scared if I cared.

We arrived at around 3 in the morning.  No one was awake!
Jason finally came to the door and let us in, bleary eyed.
Looking around the house for a place for us to sleep, he finally said, 
"Ok we're gonna do an extraction to the other Detroit house."  I laughed.
"I'm not getting in the car again."
He sweetly let me have his couch.  I ended up sharing the bigger one with James instead.  
Beks took his couch.  Mike slept in a sad pull-out taco.
Eau Claire!

9 years later Peter came down and let us have the upstairs for sleeping.
James and I took Peter's bed which was very comfy actually.

Mike and Beks went into some other rooms we didn't see.  Anna and Greg?
Yes.  Because Fred's was not fit for human living, I think.

After a little sleep James wanted food.
Feed me, he said.  No.  I said.

We went downstairs and made a DOZEN eggs for five people.  
They were nothing special.
The Detroit people then made a breakfast feast complete with venison bacon. 
BeeTeeDubs that was so not venison, bro.  

Things were starting off with good vibes and the St. Louis crew was there.
I remember Kaitlyn from orientation (she's chill unless she talks about her placement and then I gotta go to another room).  Raquel is quiet and super nice.  Paul is very talkative and a hip-hop prodigy.  I'm sure he'd roll his eyes at that categorization.  Whatever Paul.  

Fred and some guy named Tom (aka the dude giving me G Hastings vibes, see below) were talking it up in the living room mapping out a plan for the day.  

Tom you drove so far all by yourself.  You cray.

"I don't know if you guys feel this but we can go see the Giant Fist of Joe Louis."
I was QUITE intrigued by that.  It sounded like something Lincoln Hawk would take his son to go look at in Over the Top. 

No one else bit.

We ended up splitting off.
Five of us went to Astro Coffee, and the exclusive society now known as JVCecrets began.
First rule of JVCecrets: Have Brian start a Snapchat group. 

Greg said we should meet up with the rest at the Eastern Market.
We kept missing/crossing each other from Shed 5 to Shed 3.

Eventually we saw Fred and the others walking across the way and they talked about picking up the keg and going home.  Ok sounds like an opportunity to nap.  Heh, you thought.
BTW: I never saw/heard/felt/drank from/knew of this keg. It existed in a space and time completely separate from my own.  

Hmm... I forgot about Cleveland.  Yeah Cleveland came around this time.  Cue the vibe getting extra whack for a while.  I will say one thing for them: why?

Though there was a nice time when everyone in the house was quiet and you could only hear the sweet sounds of Trap blaring from the speaker in the kitchen and the low buzz of the shears as Fred was shaving Paul's head.  
Later in life there will be time to worry about sweeping, but for now the romance of freshly trimmed hair floating down to the ground and landing anywhere, decorating the back and seat of an upholstered dining chair, is real and immediate.

Beer Mile reared her ugly face again and someone who shall not be named obnoxiously led the group in a rendition of We Will Rock You for the grillionth time in Frat Guy history.

Ok let's not be bitter.  We knew there would be little to no sleep this weekend!

Some of us were feeling a way.
We talked and hung out until dinnertime.  

At some point I went looking for the restroom and Fred gave me a preview of his costume.
Whoa.  Too much too soon, boo.

Let's fast forward with a few words:

Locked bedroom
Wrong sized response to locked bedroom
Super short car ride
Jamo&La Croix
Changing in the bathroom
Great advice from James too close to the mirror

Party now.
Fred is fully Jesus question mark?
I am wearing essentially the same thing I arrived in, only in black and no one comments or thinks I'm in costume.  No big.
James is making an effort to get drunk.  Go team!

Beks and Mike are pretty recognizable in their costumes.  Snaps!
The playlist needs help.  Needs to be another playlist TBH.
As soon as Beer pong starts I beg Paul to take over.  He uncomfortably obliges.

At some point someone brought 8 Mile down to play in the background.  Lol.  Paul kept apologizing for what he termed, "white boy shit."  Don't worry Paul. Used to it. 

The rest of the party should probably be censored, or at least the names should be changed to protect those involved.  

I will say that James spearheaded the stealing of the waffle iron.  When I say spearheaded I mean he straight stole that bitch out the kitchen and put it in the car while at the height of his drunkenness.  He said, "I'm going to steal the waffle iron now. Wanna come?"  I said, "Wut?  Ok."  Then he left for what felt like an hour.  He returned and said, "The waffle iron is inside Jessie."  I could NOT have been prouder or have laughed more loudly.

Cut to next morning.
Those awake argue with Jason about whether a black and white photo of a french child running down a street with a baguette is the most loved and valuable possession in the Detroit House.  "There's no freaking way anyone cares about that," I say.  
"If you guys steal that it will break this house apart," he says.
Nice try Jason.  Do better next time.
We steal the poster of Barack Obama doing this:

Actually it's just a close up of his face giving a speech.  But this would've been tight.

The ride home was long and lovely.
Lots to unpack, but I look forward to it.

Oh and one more thing.
$5.25 for ham, bacon, sausage, hash browns, and 3 eggs.  
Who are you Detroit?

For a minute I thought I discovered some new amazing food when I put chili on the hash browns.  
Then I remembered  - chili fries.



  1. I like this anime. Mike is my favorite character. I ship you and James.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
